Top 10 Safe Driving Tips While Travelling

If you decide to take a vacation, one of the most advocated methods of getting around when you have arrived at your destination is driving. It is convenient, reliable and can forgive you for making mistakes like missing an exit or not reading the map properly. All you have to do is turn back.

However, chances are that at your new destination, you are bound to find that things have slight changed and you are at a disadvantage comparing this to what you are used to in your home country.

How do you make sure that you stay on the alien-like roads and complete your travel trip safely and get back home in one piece? These 10 tips will answer that question for you.

Safe driving (Photo: Internet)

1. Do not drive drunk.

In most countries, this is actually illegal and you could get arrested for it. However, as much as it might be illegal, it is also a great risk to you and anybody that might be accompanying you in the car. Being drunk reduces your vision, movement and also your response rate in case of emergencies.

2. Plan ahead.

This is more so the case if you are also planning to use your car to get to your destination. Planning ahead might not only be a safer move for you but it can also help you avert a wide range of problems. It also helps you to manage your time properly and give yourself ample time to get to the destination.

3. Do not speed.

There are a couple of reasons as to why not speeding while driving travel is an ultimate tip. First, you are not conversant with the roads in the new place and are not aware of what will pop out in the corner. Staying the safe limits will take you longer to get there but at least you will get there alive and in one piece.

4. Ensure you use a serviced vehicle.

If it is your own vehicle that you will be using, make sure that it is well serviced. It helps to improve performance and especially braking and also ensures that you do not suffer breakdowns that can be a major risk to your life.

5. Carry vital contacts in your car.

This might not be a driving tip, but it will keep you safe while you are driving in case of an emergency. Local police hotline numbers, insurance providers contacts as well as any person that you can get in touch with incase of anything should be with you at all times while you drive.

6. Understand any peculiar traffic laws.

As you go along, you will find that each locality has some unique road safety rules. You have to know and understand them. It will keep you out of jail and also ensure that you are well covered as you drive.

7. Always have your seat belt on.

Never underestimate the distance that you will be covering. It is better to be safe than sorry. Make sure that while in the car, you and all the occupants of that car have your safety belts on. They do save lives.

8. Watch out for fatigue.

On long driving travel trips, fatigue is most likely going to catch up with you. However, while this is almost inevitable, you have to device ways of starving it off for as long as you can since this can put you in some serious trouble. Fatigue leads to lower concentration, dozing and slower muscle reaction.

9. Avoid cruise control on wet roads.

Considering that wet roads are more challenging and dangerous to navigate, the last thing you want is to have more power supplied to your wheels.

10. Keep distance.

Even though this is usually advised and is common traffic law, you need to keep extra distance when driving in new areas. Chances are you are not sure of their driving patterns and while you learn this, it is better to do it at a safe distance.

Top 10 Safe Driving Tips While Travelling
In This Funny Picture Indian Road Damaged
After Heavy Rain And A Truck Fell Into A Ditch On Road
(photo: internet)

Wish you Safe Driving !

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