Asia travel tips news 2015

Asia is a gorgeous region, with Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam and Laos particularly being well known holiday destinations easy enough to travel around. Delicious foods, breathtaking scenery, the world’s most friendly people and lifetime’s experiences await you. However, Asia travel comes with frustrations as well as situations that are totally different from traveling to western countries. In this post, we discuss some of the top travel tips that will help you counter the many challenges you are likely to face while traveling in Asia.

Research your Visas
Whether you can acquire visa on arrival or you need to secure it upfront is a mixture in this region. There are also specific rules for air, land or boat entry. For instance, Cambodia visas are very easy to obtain at airports and land borders, while Myanmar and Vietnam requires to be arranged before entry to the country. Be prepared to avoid being caught off guard. 

Respect cultural customs
Dress appropriately. For example don’t wear shorts which are revealing. This is a must since you need to cover your body generally for temple visits. In some countries such as Thailand, there are specific cultural rules like not stepping on money, should you drop it on the floor (as you would be stepping on the king’s head) and not touching a person’s head. Disrespecting the monarchy here is a very big no! Feet are also perceived as dirty parts of the human body in many countries from Asia. So, keep off anything from resting your feet on the chairs or stepping on people, as this can cause major offense.
Watch your pockets.
Mugging takes place everywhere whether you are walking or you are on the back of a motorbike. Your personal belongings should be kept near you at all times. Consider bringing along essentials or a funny pack only where you are out of the hotel. 

Hire local transport for the day
One good way to get around is to hire a Moto-driver or a tuk tuk to take you wherever you want to go, the whole day for a minimal price. You can also use your driver as a de facto tour guide, taking you around to the spots you may not have imagined and that you would have regretted not seeing. 

If you can, take a train or a bus 
This is the best way when it comes to budget traveling. Night buses will get you from one country to the other, at almost nothing. However, they take much longer. Roads between so many destinations are good enough for traveling, though expect some bumpy rides.


When planning to travel Asia, make sure to go through Tips travel in Asia so as to be able to make your travel and stay a success. 

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