Africa- The Tourism Jewel That it is and Best Places to Visit

If you are the kind of traveler that values nature and always looking to go to places where nature is as natural as can get then destinations in Africa is the place to be. The large content has a vast number of tourism opportunities that you can explore. So vast is the tourism market there that it is impossible for you to cover everything in one, two or even three visits. Virtually every one of the 54 countries that the continent has offers something unique that is worth traveling the thousands of miles to see. While it has usually been surrounded by myths of being the dark planet, the tourist experience that Africa has to offer is raw, unmatched, unique and definitely one that embeds its memories in the fondest of places.

Masai Mara-Kenya and Tanzania. 

Two of east Africa’s nations are home to the most recent wonder of the world which is the wildebeest migration. Thousands of tourists come here to witness the majestic migration as the wildebeest brave the log looking crocodiles of the Mara River. However, this is not the only thing that the Mara as it is also known has to offer. It also boasts of a variety of wild animals that include lions, cheetahs and antelopes all of which are in their most natural habitats and yet still mingle with the natives freely. Some of the activities that you can indulge in include camping and guided drives around the park.

Victoria Falls, Zambia. 

Zambia is home to one of the world’s most majestic water spectacles which is the Victoria Falls which are also known as Mosi-oa-Tunya by the locals which translates to the Cloud that thunders. The falls that are reportedly to have been first seen by David Livingstone in 1855, are an awe to look at and the millions of liters of water tumbling down the edge can provide quite an exhilarating experience. The 108meter high cascade once had a standing record of about 12,800 cubic meters per second which was double that of the Niagara Fall which goes to show just how majestic this water fall is.

Pyramids of Giza, Egypt. 

Your trip to Africa would never be complete if you skip the pyramids of Giza in Egypt that are as old as the ages of the Pharaoh. The pyramids were built in the 2650 BC with the sides oriented to the North, South, West and East. The pyramids not only offer a rich history of the ancient and powerful pharaohs but also their journeys in to the afterlife. 
While still in Egypt, you should also visit the Sphinx. It is a colossal temple that features a monument that has the body of a lion and a human head that is as tall as a six story apartment building.

Zanzibar, Tanzania. 

If you would like to bunch your trip and throw in some relaxation in the clear blue waters and a bit of baking in the sun, Zanzibar is it. Consider it the Hawaii of Africa only with a more stable climate and superbly warm natives. While here, you can get to enjoy the spices that have become world renowned as well as the rich history that it has to offer.
Simply put, the destinations in Africa are every tourist’s haven and offer a plethora of experiences. Even though most of the countries are still developing, they offer quite acceptable services even though you might have to be more compromising with the kind of clothes you carry here since the weather can be unpredictable at times.


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